Was Paul a deluded apocalypticist? In other words, did he believe the apocalypse (i.e. some kind of dramatic end of…
1 Corinthians 15 is the earliest writing we have that mentions Jesus’s resurrection appearances, and Paul uses the Greek word ὤφθη (ophthe) which is commonly translated in English as “appeared”. I was looking into how the Bible authors used this word the other dayand came across something surprising which I thought I’d share.
Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness 2 Timothy 3.16…
Christians after Jesus gradually evolved a number of stories supporting the idea that he was the son of David in the absence of any supporting evidence. It is supposition gradually solidified in the re-telling. This also explains why the genealogies contradict each other and why the virgin birth stories co-exist with the son of David stories.
(Image Credit: iStock/HHakim) Recently, I was privileged to be invited to participate in a discussion with a group of Christians.…
Image Credit: Public Domain via Wikimedia In this post, I will pull together the various threads to summarize why the…
My previous post began an attempt to look at the historicity of the resurrection, or at least to weigh the…
iStock/LindaJohnsonbaugh I’ve looked at the credibility of the Bible (here, here and here), and recently talked about Paul’s christology. In the…
I’ve already touched on why I find the Bible lacking in credibility (particularly here and here). The question may arise then…
I’ve avoided this topic for a while for a number of reasons. Mostly, I wanted to be clear that I…